Wednesday, May 28, 2008
MP3 player / at last
Thursday, April 10, 2008
thing 23 / wrap up
What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey? - I really loved blogging and making the time to look around and compare notes with others. It helped me to read other's blogs and learn that no one was really sold on technorati and that most folks weren't crazy about rollyo. We have some great writers and thinkers on our staff! It was nice to meet them through this format.
How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals? - Lifelong learning is never negotiable. It's essential. It was awfully helpful that someone put together a time frame and curriculum for this kind of learning. I don't think I wouldn't have gotten to it any other way.
Were there any take-aways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you? - I learned that while it's all out there, that's it not all right for us or for our customers, but that it is important to keep trying, and trying, and failing and trying again. I don't think we've taught this message with as much fervor as we are now. Library 2.0 is about trying things and readapting. Nothing is ever fixed or perfect, but that's okay.
What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept? Not a thing - it was all laid out very easily - many thanks to the team for putting this all together.
thing 22 / instant messaging
Once a year, I do a presentation along with Robin Bernstein and Karen Hein about the subject of virtual reference. This past year, Mother Nature got in the way and I asked Michael to videotape my presentation which is provided here:
We have to make ourselves available to customers in whatever way they feel most comfortable contacting us. Chat isn't for everyone but it is for some of our folks. Phone isn't for everyone but it is for some of our folks. Email isn't for everyone but it is for some of our folks ... in librarianship, you never stop adapting the way we communicate, but the message never changes and that is that we're here to help.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
thing 21 / podcasts
I was able to listen to it while I worked on another project. I think podcasts are the busy person's way to keep up with news and information. As I continue to record shows on television, podcasts do all that for me and make themselves available for free and at my convenience.
I subscribed to NPR's Wait Wait Don't Tell Me podcasts -
thing 20 / YouTube
What a great application for YouTube given that so many long distance parents would be able to see their kid's performence without leaving home. And my alma mater choir sounds better than ever.
Friday, April 4, 2008
thing 19 / Discovering Web 2.0 tools
I also looked at Care2 to see what kind of information it provided about charities. The description "... an online hub of people who care about their world and want to make it better" didn't necessarily give me a clear notion of what I could find or locate there exactly. I started browsing and found -- The Cat Lovers group had 49,466 members - which when you consider is larger than most of the communities in Nebraska!
There are always applications of web 2.0 for libraries when there are interested patrons wishing to discuss a mutually agreeable topic.
thing 18 / Web-based Apps
This seems like a great common denominator for document sharing. Oh yeah - I typed this in Zoho first.
Monday, March 31, 2008
PLA reflections
I was pleased there wasn't any vocabulary in the sessions I attended where I wasn't aware of the technology or the social networking tools that were being discussed ... some of which were because of this 2.0 project.
thing 17 / pb wiki
I was so pleased to see everyone's picks for good restaurants were ALL located downtown.
Regarding editing wikis - it's easy to edit an entry that is already going -- all you do is mimic the mark up that is already there. I was only willing to add to pages that were already created - I'm not sure I'd want to start a new entry all together. I have edited an entry for Nebraska on the wikipedia and then checked the coding to see it was me who edited it - very cool.
thing 16 / wikis
I just came back from the PLA conference and Joe Janes said something to this effect - if you don't like wikipedia, fix it. There are lists of entries that need to be created - who better than librarians to write them? Akin to "don't vote? don't bitch." - 'nuff said.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
thing 15 / On Library 2.0 & Web 2.0 ...
Michael Stephens: "Librarian 2.0, then, is the “strategy guide” for helping users find information, gather knowledge and create content."
Dr. Wendy Schultz: "Library 3.0 "...People will collect librarians rather than books"
Dr. Wendy Schultz: "Library 4.0, the neo-library: This will be the library for the aesthetic economy, the dream society, which will need libraries as mind gyms; libraries as idea labs; libraries as art salons ... Library 4.0 will add a new mode, knowledge spa: meditation, relaxation, immersion in a luxury of ideas and thought"
-- these were the quotes that jumped out at me as I read the 2.0 readings. Sometimes I see clear analogies to the '80s scare that videos would mean the loss of movie theaters ---but then there are big layoffs at our performing arts center and I realize people are staying home. There are always those Harold Hill sorts who will be singing a song about how "we got trouble" - but as in all things balance. According to our statistics, NLC Reference services have steadily increased in the past few years, imeaning people need now more than ever, teachers to help them navaigate all the new vistas of technology. It will always be our job to be information hip and ahead of the crowd. When Rick Anderson talks about lack of library/patron ratio - I think that only applies to classrooms but make no mistake, we're still teaching, just on the spot in fits and starts. I really like the library 4.0 definition above . In the year 2015, I'd like to change my job title to Minder of the Mind Gym or Art Salon Curator or Information Master of Meditation.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
thing 14 / Technorati
Then I tried some other searches and for someone who is used to more advanced search options, I wasn't crazy about the inability to narrow result sets in Technorati. Also - when I thought I was searching blogs, I was actually searching posts -- and that was confusing too.
I tried searching the PLA blog and searched PLA and then PLA Blog - the right result came up as 36 in Technorati. When I searched PLA Blog in google, it was the number one result.
This caused me to go to down the hallway and talk about it with Allana, Susan, and Shannon. That was a good way to learn what they knew about Technorati and helped me verify my own opinions.
Trying to index ALL those blogs would be a monumental effort. Until there are more refined search options, I can't think of how it would be helpful for me right now.
thing 13 /
Monday, March 10, 2008
electronic consumption?
thing 12 / rollyo
Lastly, I created a Rollyo for movies in Lincoln with four sites - Douglas Theaters, The Ross, IMDB, and the Oscars. After I created the site, I searched for "honeydrippers" - a movie I know is showing at the ross. No results came up for that title. Gotta say - two thumbs down. Should I have done something differently? My thinking is that combining sites looses the ability to find what is best on each site. For optiumum results, search each site individually.
thing 11 / library thing
Librarything doesn't take itself too serious - here were my two favorite quotes:
"The UnSuggester will give you humorous recommendations of books you probably wouldn't enjoy." - reader's illadvisory :)
"Users (informally known as thingamabrarians, a term coined by contributor RJO)"
thing 10 / generators!
Peter's Haiku Generator
Jam waggles custard.
The bottom squirters jingle.
A squirter giggles.
(Haiku w/silly vocabulary)
Priests kindly nail ice.
Smouldering, bad angels lurk.
Cold winds twist shadows.
(Haiku w/noir vocabulary)
And from Slognizer:
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
and now for something completely different
-- which is a segment from NPR called "This I Belive" -- I took a stab at my own version:
this i believe
Work is not your identity. When I got my first job out of graduate school, I remember being introduced as Lisa the librarian. I always thought, wouldn’t it be fun to be introduced in a way that had absolutely nothing to do with my vocation? For example – this is Lisa – who’s trying to perfect her alfredo sauce or -- this is Lisa who is reading all the Jane Austen novels. In the U.S., work equals human value. Giving more than 40 hours shows devotion to your employer. On the home front, weekend activities should be a list of labors, not navel-gazing sloth. When I'm not at work, I foster relationships, entertain myself, and maintain my home to be a place that restores me. I am always surprised by people who say they’ll never retire. I know work is an important part of life and I am grateful for the job that I’ve been given. Still, when the time comes to no longer be a slave to my alarm clock, I have a pretty good idea that I’ll be able to set a worthy agenda for those 40 hours. I’m not ashamed to say I’m looking forward to that.
Monday, March 3, 2008
thing 9 / add feeds
I liked searching for blogs. I tested out some wierd subjects and didn't find what I was looking for - so it's not all out there or rather no one's blogging about it yet. Here's what I added:
Jane Austen's World
The Old Foodie
Nebraska eGovernment Headlines
Virtual Reference
University of Nebraska Press
There are some places I would like to provide RSS Feeds that currently do not - let me know if NET or LCL begin providing this info.
thing 8 / RSS and bloglines
Living in a small home has made me fairly fastidious about weeding - and this applies to blogs. When I subscribe to a few new ones (which I have today) I'll take out some old ones that I find I consistently read last or have lost interest. More isn't always better - in the world of blogs, more is just more to read.
Friday, February 29, 2008
technology schmecknology
travel channel run amok
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
A+ blood
I have other things that make me panic and cause anxiety - but this was one I conquered and one that gives me a fair amount of satisfaction for having faced. On to the next.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
reading other people's blogs
Hyperlinks on the internet suit my non-linear thought process. Call it ADD learning. Just this morning as I was catching up on my blog line account --I completely forgot where I started --reading one thing to the next -- sharing things I'd read- passing them along to others - getting comments back from them --asking more questions -- looking for answers -- it's all good.