Wednesday, March 19, 2008

thing 14 / Technorati

When I searched: “Learning 2.0” in Technorati I got other people's blogs from Week 6 or Thing #14 - or whatever their library had labeled it for the same assignment. I liked seeing what other people said outside of our library. I didn't see any from NLC but cool all the same.

Then I tried some other searches and for someone who is used to more advanced search options, I wasn't crazy about the inability to narrow result sets in Technorati. Also - when I thought I was searching blogs, I was actually searching posts -- and that was confusing too.

I tried searching the PLA blog and searched PLA and then PLA Blog - the right result came up as 36 in Technorati. When I searched PLA Blog in google, it was the number one result.

This caused me to go to down the hallway and talk about it with Allana, Susan, and Shannon. That was a good way to learn what they knew about Technorati and helped me verify my own opinions.

Trying to index ALL those blogs would be a monumental effort. Until there are more refined search options, I can't think of how it would be helpful for me right now.

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