Monday, March 10, 2008

thing 12 / rollyo

After learning about federated searching and its pros and cons - I wondered how I'd feel about this. I searched "nebraska" in all the rollyos provided - same results in each set. I searched some additional rollyos: Food and Dining, Reference Search and Ask Mr. Fix-it - ehhh, the results weren't impressive - I like plain google better.

Lastly, I created a Rollyo for movies in Lincoln with four sites - Douglas Theaters, The Ross, IMDB, and the Oscars. After I created the site, I searched for "honeydrippers" - a movie I know is showing at the ross. No results came up for that title. Gotta say - two thumbs down. Should I have done something differently? My thinking is that combining sites looses the ability to find what is best on each site. For optiumum results, search each site individually.

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