Monday, March 10, 2008

thing 11 / library thing

A while ago, I started keeping lists of books I'd read and movies I'd watched in an excel spread sheet. I keep track by author, title, and date of consumption. It's been helpful in not re-consuming the same product twice - so librarything has great appeal. I also have a huge DVD and CD collection and have crudely cataloged them at home. Sadly, my collections are too large for the free portion of the program - and I confess, I'm rather used to my system. That said, I did create an account (which was a snap) and cataloged the last ten books I'd read. Very interesting to see how many other folks had cataloged the same books as me. For the Austen books, there were too many versions to select from so I simply took the top listing - probably not the most effective way to do things.

Librarything doesn't take itself too serious - here were my two favorite quotes:

"The UnSuggester will give you humorous recommendations of books you probably wouldn't enjoy." - reader's illadvisory :)

"Users (informally known as thingamabrarians, a term coined by contributor RJO)"

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