Monday, March 3, 2008

thing 8 / RSS and bloglines

I created a bloglines account a while ago. Checking my feeds is an enjoyable task and I like the one-stop shop approach to catching up on things of interest. I subscribe to a mish-mash of blogs so there's always something to suit my mood. I did the extra step of subscribing to all my co-workers blogs that makes it easier to check them. Some of my favorite blogs are the Librarian's Guide to Etiquette and Free Range Librarian. On the non-librarian side of things - I like Car Talk and Cool Tools. Combined Library Job Postings is one of the ways we fuel our job site.

Living in a small home has made me fairly fastidious about weeding - and this applies to blogs. When I subscribe to a few new ones (which I have today) I'll take out some old ones that I find I consistently read last or have lost interest. More isn't always better - in the world of blogs, more is just more to read.

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